I am Nothing Without Teacher

Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

Akhir-akhir ini, aku menjadi bagian dari panitia acara yang akan diadakan di Surabaya ::

Bicara soal guru, Hehe .. orang tua aku selalu mengatakan bahwa sosok selain kedua orang tua yang harus aku hormati, dengarkan dan patuhi adalah guru. “ Because you are nothing without them !

Aku juga sempat berdiskusi di kelas “ English with Desi Anwar “ bareng teman-teman dan sang guru tentang ini. Pas diminta untuk menulis essay yang mendeskripsikan diri aku dan darimana aku mendapat skill English pertama aku, aku menulis seperti ini ::

My name is Nucifera, you can call me Ci or Nuci. I am a student at S1 Teknik Informa-tika – ITS Surabaya & wish me luck to graduate this semester.
When I was in highschool, I met an English teacher. She became the first person who was trying hard to build my English skill, taught me how to use grammar in correct form, taught me to speak, to understand English from movie, music and novel.
She was very discipline and cool, never say me smart or clever, although I was trying hard to impress her in many different ways. The bigger I am, I know that perhaps she was doing that, so I was not easily satisfied and want me to keep learning.
She can be my teacher and sister as well. I think she is different with most teacher, I am not afraid of her but I always try my best to respect her. For the similar reason, I prefer to call you Mbak Desi, join in this class, feel like with her.

Trus di-comment oleh sang guru, Mbak Desi Anwar ::

Yes, having a good teacher can really make a difference in how quickly you learn something and whether you end up liking the subject or not. A good teacher motivates but also makes sure that you do your assignment properly and until you don’t make a mistake. Learning is fun, especially when you can see yourself improve. Otherwise it can be frustating and you end up giving up.

Hehe ..

Yapz, di kelas English with Desi Anwar sering ada diskusi semacam ini :-D Paling rame dan seru pas bareng temen” ngomentarin Royal Wedding 2011, atau main tebak-tebak.an .. FUN .. FUN .. FUN .. !!!

Sekarang aja aku jadi lebih respect dengan Desi Anwar, since she become my teacher, Hehe .. “ I am nothing without teacher “ – Parent’s said - !!!

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